Monday, 16 July 2012

Human Perception & Respect for Animals

“Our perception of animals determines how we treat them, and whether they suffer under our dominion or not. Behind our perception and treatment of animals lie our needs, wants, values, and cultural and religious traditions. Until these are addressed and our perception changed so there is empathy, respect, and communication, the holocaust of the animal kingdom will continue. And those qualities or virtues that make us human – humility, compassion, and selfless benevolence – will continue to be crushed by arrogance, ignorance, and the selfishness of our species.” 

Dr. Michael W. Fox                                                             

Thursday, 5 July 2012

A New departure in Zoopharmacognosy

A new departure for Zoopharmacognosy! I shall be giving a one day seminar on working with secondary compounds in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in mid-December thanks to Claudia and Marcelo who are promoting and arranging the event. As ever, thanks to them.